Harvesting Horse Urine for HRT

Pregnant mares used for harvesting horse urine for Premarin

Pregnant mares used for harvesting horse urine for Premarin

I've been working diligently on my presentation for the Constellate US conference that takes place in Seattle in October 11th, 12th and 13th. I have thirty minutes to educate a room full of people, already familiar with Systemic Constellations, about Horse Constellations. I'm assuming that some of the people in this audience are  unaware of the way in which pregnant horses are used for harvesting urine. Premarin is the name of a Hormonal Replacement Therapy that comes from Pregnant Mares Urine. Premarin along with Prempo both CEE (conjugated equine estrogens) drugs, are prescribed to menopausal women and men with prostrate cancer. 


Premarin by-products.

Premarin by-products.

The reason I want to talk about PMU's is because all of the mares at Silver Horse Healing Ranch, Laydee, Jackie, Ruby and Diva who participate in the Horse Constellations, originally came from this industry. 

Diva is a by-product of Premarin, born at a Premarin Ranch in Alberta Canada. Usually, the foals, if they survive, end up  at the feedlot and then sold for human consumption, in countries where horse meat is on the menu. 

Raw horse meat

Raw horse meat

Diva was fortunate to be rescued by the Animali Farm, a non-profit, PMU horse rescue. I adopted Diva along with Jackie eight years ago from this wonderful organization.

Even though there are significant health risks, such as heart disease and breast cancer from using Premarin, doctors continue to prescribe it and women continue to use it, in the form of pills and cream.  

Diva, formally a PMU foal, who now participates in Horse Constellations.

Diva, formally a PMU foal, who now participates in Horse Constellations.

Premarin ad

Premarin ad

My own dear sister, gleefully told me that after being prescribed HRT, she was finally feeling happy after years of feeling hormonally challenged. When I reminded her that she is ingesting horse urine, she retorted, 'I don't care if it comes from babies lungs, it makes me feel great.'