“What is a Horse Constellation?

I’m frequently asked this question, because quite naturally few people have ever heard of the original Family Constellations, from which Horse Constellation Therapy evolved. If someone is familiar with Family Constellation Therapy, I explain that Horse Constellations are Family Constellations plus horses, performed outdoors. My sacred calling is to educate people about Horse Constellations and how it can heal deeply embedded psychological and spiritual wounds.” 

An excerpt from ‘Horse Constellations’ book written by Sara Fancy

Hello! If you are on this page you are obviously curious about Horse Constellation Therapy. I’ve been practicing Horse Constellations with my herd of horses since 2008 and am constantly amazed at the power of this work.

There are several reasons why I approve and advocate this type of equine therapy.

  • It’s easy on horses. As long as the horses are mentally, emotionally and physically healthy, they can be included in Horse Constellations.

  • There is no pressure on the horse to perform in anyway. The horses are left to their own devices; they choose to actively participate.

  • This therapy works multi dimensionally, healing our ancestors, descendants, witnesses, representatives and all who share the same archetypal wounds.

Once a year, typically in the fall, I offer a Five-Day Horse Constellation training for beginners and another one for advanced students. Please sign up for our newsletter to be notified of upcoming trainings.

In addition to the onsite trainings at our retreat in Ranchita, San Diego county, there are two videos series available. The Horse Constellation Training Video Series, from 2021, includes lectures and easy to follow Organizational Horse Constellation demonstrations and exercises.

And the Advanced Horse Constellation Training Video Series, from 2022, includes lectures and exercises, in addition to; Family; Business; Pet and Ceremonial Constellations. The above video shows highlights from this series.

Additional products include a Horse Constellation e-book which tells the story of how I went from a body builder to a professional Horse Constellation facilitator and teacher with my own herd of horses at our very own Silver Horse Retreat.

If you are already an equine facilitator, taking the Horse Constellation Training or learning from the two video series, will add to your facilitation skills.